Life by Chocolate

Chocolate, white, milk, dark, in all its forms forms life. Chocolate truffles, caramels, and other confections are at the core of enjoyment. This is life by chocolate because death by chocolate is the wrong attitude.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Lemongrass Curry Chocolate Ice Cream

Yup. Now I've gone the other way. I made some lemongrass curry ice cream. I make Bon-Bon Bay's, which are my lemongrass curry dark and milk/white chocolate confections and now I just made ice cream for the artists. Yum.

How do you make it? Simple, make a vanilla ice cream base and then add chocolate and lemongrass curry. Churn and freeze.



I'd like to welcome the Crossroads Gallery

Yup. Now you can get Life by Chocolate at the Crossroads Gallery. Please go there and buy chocolates, Life by Chocolate especially. Go now. Check out their website. It's very cool.

Crossroads Gallery
4956 Western Turnpike
Duanesburg, NY 12056
phone: 518-895-2950

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A demo grows in New Jersey

Indeed, I had a great time demoing at the Health Shoppe in Chester. Indeed, I even met Brant, the owner. Nice guy. Marlin, the manager, is also good people. And the customers are all very kind and chocolate lovin' people. They loved our chocolate bars. I also sold some of our festive boxes.

Here are some terrific pictures from the demo there. Again, with my new camera.

Here's a not so terrific picture of me.

What a beautiful store. Our chocolate is on the other side of that Odwalla machine.

Look at that produce. Vibrant.
