Life by Chocolate

Chocolate, white, milk, dark, in all its forms forms life. Chocolate truffles, caramels, and other confections are at the core of enjoyment. This is life by chocolate because death by chocolate is the wrong attitude.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Welcome Rainbow Blossom Natural Market in Indiana

This is our first Indiana store and we at Life By Chocolate are very happy to have this wonderful market. Especially, since it is in New Albany. Wonderful. Please go and get your Easter Chocolates, Rabbits, Bunnies etc., and your chocolate bars there, both our wonderful regular organic chocolate bars and our wonderful vegan bars. Go, buy your chocolate, especially Life By Chocolate at this great store.

Rainbow Blossom Natural Market
3003 Charlestown Crossing
New Albany, IN 40205
Phone 812-941-0080

Please go and enjoy your life, Life By Chocolate, that is. Live a little. Go! You wont regret it.

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