What? You didn't Swoon (Kitchenbar)? Another review

Again, what is this with the wait staff? Let me stop, take a breath and begin at the beginning of this tale of two reviews.

As you know, Gregg, my old friend from California, wanted to take me and my mother out to dinner. He was staying with us at the Inn and eating there as well. I have known Gregg for years. We worked together at Divicom back in the '90s. It does feel strange to say that, "back" and "90's" in the same sentence but that's what it was and back in the 90's it was what it was. So say I.
I hired Gregg a number of times as a consultant and director to do release management and run not only configuration management, release management but quality assurance as well. We have a long working history and have developed a strong friendship. One of the hardest parts of leaving California was leaving our friends. Gregg and his wife Karen were certainly two of our best friends.

Well, if you read this blog, you know that someone suggested I eat at Food Sing. We were going to go there for coffee but that didn't work out.
Since Kim is visiting our daughter and having a mother daughter week in Washington state and Montana, Gregg decided to take me and my mom out to dinner. Gregg suggested Swoon Kitchenbar where we'd had coffee the other day. Now, Gregg isn't a fake LA friend but rather a real LA friend, if that is possible, since he was born in LA but early on moved to the Bay Area and Santa Clara. In any case, he and Karen are real Californian friends. And thus, in honor of his visit, which was too short by far, I am doing one more review of Swoon.
Rather than wine, I decided on a nice Sidecar. I love my Sidecars. The Swoon bar didn't have Hennessy. I use the VS because I don't like using good cognac for a Sidecar. However, they didn't have it so they upgraded me. As my readers know, if a restaurant, such as Bolo, cannot make a good drink, it isn't worth the time. At Bolo, they served me sewer swill. I had to send it back. Sorry Bobby but Bolo isn't worth it.

They didn't have the steak tartare, not even on the dinner menu and had run out of it after lunch, and when I ordered the Rabbit Rillettes, they were out of that, too. I wound up with the Country Pork Pate. A distant third.

On my last blog post, it was suggested that they showed better at dinner. That that was their strength. Remember, I had issues with the wait service falling apart. So, we went back for dinner. And what happened but in the middle of dinner, our waiter went home. We didn't have a late seating. We had 7:00 reservations and were out of there by 9:00ish. So, what happened? We got a nice waitress. She was much more enthusiastic than our waiter. Still, not what I would expect from a strong restaurant.
On top of that, they didn't seat us in the white tablecloth section. We were in the bar section while other people taking up half a table were in the white table cloth section? I wondered about that. All in all, dinner or lunch or just drinks, you wont go wrong with Swoon Kitchenbar. This was my third time this month and I was happy, mostly. It was also the only place open on Sunday. It seems that in Hudson, so many places close down at night. So, Swoon is reliable.
Thanks again, Gregg for taking us out to dinner and thanks as well for coming to visit. You'll have to come back soon and bring Karen with you.
Labels: restaurant review, swoon kitchenbar