Life by Chocolate

Chocolate, white, milk, dark, in all its forms forms life. Chocolate truffles, caramels, and other confections are at the core of enjoyment. This is life by chocolate because death by chocolate is the wrong attitude.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Cinnamon Spice review of Life by Chocolate

Well, here is another review of Life by Chocolate, chocolates. I sent some of our spicier bars to Cinnamon Spice and Everything Nice, and is the review. Great pictures.

And indeed, death by chocolate is the wrong attitude. And idea as well.


Rachel Ray's Every Day Magazine

Welly, welly well. It seems that Rachel Ray has come through for us. Our article in her magazine has generated a huge response. Thanks Rachel! Email me your address and I'll send you some chocolate. That's nice.

East End Food Co-op

I just want to say how jazzed I am about this Pittsburgh co-op. Woo and hoo. Pennsylvania.