Life by Chocolate

Chocolate, white, milk, dark, in all its forms forms life. Chocolate truffles, caramels, and other confections are at the core of enjoyment. This is life by chocolate because death by chocolate is the wrong attitude.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Milk Chocolate Cordials, HO!

I just made some new, fantastic, yummy Milk Chocolate Cherry Cognac Cordials. Say that 10 times fast!

I also made some wonderful Milk Chocolate Apricot Irish Mist Cordials. The apricot flavor is so intense, it's striking.

Naturally sweet, without being overly sweet and sugary. Just pure milk chocolate to leave a lingering memory and have you wanting more! This milk chocolate is for chocolate purists. If you want the great taste of milk chocolate, this is the confection for you. There is no milk chocolate better than our 38% Swiss Milk Chocolate

Our milk chocolates are created with Swiss 38% Milk Chocolate make from Criollo beans, the highest quality cacao beans. These wonderful beans are roasted in small batches in the traditional manner using revolving roaster which bring out their flavors perfectly. The cocoa nibs are ground on porous stone and the result is conched up to 72 hours, making this wonderful chocolate superior and special. The flavor of our Swiss milk chocolate is without comparison. The full-bodied milk and cream taste is sustained with subtle notes of honey and caramel. The pure and noble cocoa Criollo can be distinguished by the delicate roasting and vanilla taste. This milk chocolate is as sweet as caramel and vanilla, as intense as macadamia nuts, as strong as espresso, and as fragrant as orange blossoms with plum and black currents on the finish.

Enjoy. Get Life By Chocolate and live a little or live a lot.

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