Apple Picking in the heart of Apple Country

NY is the premier apple growing state. No other state compares for the variety and taste of New York apples. Back in the early 20th century, over a thousand different varieties used to be grown in New York. Sadly, now that much of the apple growing has moved to Washington state and California, two states whose climates and soil are highly unsuited for apples, people forget why they call New York City the Big Apple. Consequently, the thousand varieties have been reduced to ten. This is a mini-photo expose reminding everyone why NY is the Big Apple.

One of our guests, who owns an apple orchard, over 5 hectors, and a vineyard, a good hector, invited us to pick our own apples. That was very kind of him. His apple orchard is in Milton, New York near Poughkeepsie and New Paltz. He grows red delicious and empire apples. We went yesterday. It was a beautiful day and a treat to pick the apples off the trees, sun warmed, perfectly ripe. We each ate several apples directly from the tree, enjoying the sweet juice as it dribbled down our face, onto our chins, hands, camera and clothes. What more can life offer? Chocolate you say? Indeed.

We picked five bushels of apples and will give some away and use the rest in apple pie, cobbler, and serve whole and splendid to our guests and diners. New York is the capital of apple. Yes, the California I love, the Washington I enjoy are nothing but posers when it comes to growing apples.

While picking our luscious red treats, we notices that these same orchards were being encroached upon by development. Just as in California, where apricot orchards were mowed down to make room for houses, our house in particular, and where vineyards are being sold off for shopping malls, where almonds, grapes, and oranges are losing to condos, New York, it seems, is fast following the younger western states. Kim wants to buy an orchard before they are all gone. And so do I.

Labels: Apple, new york, The Big Apple