Eco Blog: The Alternative Consumer

The Alternative Consumer is doing a piece on us including a give-away. The give-away will be some of our beautiful organic and fair trade velvet vegan valentine hearts as well as our delicious organic and fair trade vegan bars.
The Alternative Consumer is an eco-friendly blog that provides a unique, upbeat perspective about ecological news, green product reviews and other useful information for the green-minded consumer. Their mission, as is out mission at Life By Chocolate, is to keep the world green for ourselves and generations to come. Without our unique world, we wouldn't have the unique pleasures that we are heir to, such as chocolate.
Maureen, the publisher and founder of the Alternative Consumer, contacted me and asked if she could do a write up and a chocolate give-away. I said sure. We have the same goals and similar missions. So, the Alternative Consumer and Life By Chocolate joined forces to bring you this unique perspective.

So, go register to win these beautiful chocolates from LBC.

Labels: alternative consumer, ecology, organic chocolate
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