Chicken Stir Fry Dinner: Step 3 the Stir and the Fry

Everyone knows how to do a stir fry. You heat a pan, a wok, up very hot. Use a little sesame oil, cook the chicken quickly, stir, reserve, cook the veggies quickly, stir, put the meat back in, stir. And more stir.
This works for 1, 2, 3, 5, maybe 8, but not for 40. To do it for 40, I like to cook the chicken, slowly. I like to use oyster sauce on the meat. I use sesame oil for the veggies, which I cook quickly on high, then I take the chicken and the veggies off the heat and as I serve, I combine in a wok, or a skillet, stir and stir, and plate.

I used asparagus, water chestnuts, yellow squash and zucchini cut into batonet (strips), ditto on the peppers, julienne, slicked onion and some garlic. Just about everything gets cut into strips. That, according to Zhao Xiu Zhong, is the Chinese way, and, of course, the French way.

The chicken is also cut into strips.

Easy. No rice. The bao is starch enough.
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